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Ricerca avanzata per:

Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Admissions (100%)

    7-giu-2019 12.28.06

    Admissions admissions, dottorato dseas, unipa Background and research project Admission will be based on the evaluation of the CV and the research proposal of the candidate. Eligible candidates hold excellent score levels in previous master studies (the Italian Laurea Magistrale or equivalent foreign degree which will be assessed by the selection committee), post-degree experiences with specific emphasis on scientific research in economics and/or statistics (for example, internships in economic

  • 2. Admissions (100%)

    26-nov-2018 9.56.13

    Admissions admissions, dottorato dseas, unipa GIOVANNI BOSCAINO

  • 3. ADMISSIONS (49%)

    4-set-2018 16.45.06

    ADMISSIONS articolo, notizia, unipa Background and research project Admission will be based on the evaluation of the CV and the research proposal of the candidate. Eligible candidates hold excellent score levels in previous master studies (the Italian Laurea Magistrale or equivalent foreign degree which will be assessed by the selection committee), post-degree experiences with specific emphasis on scientific research in economics and/or statistics (for example, internships in economic

  • 4. Ammissione (41%)

    2-set-2020 13.01.14

    Ammissione Admissions, dottorato,dseas, unipa Curriculum e progetto di ricerca L'ammissione al programma di dottorato si basa sulla valutazione del Curriculum e sulla proposta di ricerca del candidato. Il candidato idoneo deve possedere un titolo di studio di secondo livello (Laurea Magistrale ... , il progetto di ricerca deve essere coerente con i principali interessi di ricerca del dipartimento, come ... delle aree di ricerca presenti del nostro dipartimento, e dei profili dei singoli ricercatori

  • 5. Regolamento (23%)

    20-nov-2018 23.32.08

    Admissions Admissions, dottorato,dseas, unipa Background and research project Admission will be based on the evaluation of the CV and the research proposal of the candidate. Eligible candidates hold excellent score levels in previous master studies (the Italian Laurea Magistrale or equivalent foreign degree which will be assessed by the selection committee), post-degree experiences with specific emphasis on scientific research in economics and/or statistics (for example, internships in economic

  • 6. Regulation (23%)

    19-giu-2020 11.49.29

    Admissions Admissions, dottorato,dseas, unipa Background and research project Admission will be based on the evaluation of the CV and the research proposal of the candidate. Eligible candidates hold excellent score levels in previous master studies (the Italian Laurea Magistrale or equivalent foreign degree which will be assessed by the selection committee), post-degree experiences with specific emphasis on scientific research in economics and/or statistics (for example, internships in economic


    16-nov-2023 9.12.32

    undertaken. EMANUELA MIRAGLIA Admissions articolo, notizia, unipa Background and research project Admission

  • 8. Regulation (19%)

    21-nov-2023 13.18.21

    Admissions articolo, notizia, unipa Background and research project Admission will be based on the evaluation of the CV and the research proposal of the candidate. Eligible candidates hold excellent score levels in previous master studies (the Italian Laurea Magistrale or equivalent foreign degree which will be assessed by the selection committee), post-degree experiences with specific emphasis on scientific research in economics and/or statistics (for example, internships in economic


    7-set-2023 8.48.32

    ). La povertà rurale in Africa Sub-sahariana: il caso del Dipartimento della Lekie in Camerun. D/SEAS ... Ricercatore a tempo determinato tipologia A (PON AIM linea 1), Dipartimento SEAS, UNIPA Augugliaro L, Sottile ... Panoramica dottorato, dseas, unipa Il Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali e Statistiche ... . I dottorandi saranno incoraggiati a partecipare alla vita del dipartimento, a presentare gli avanzamenti ... incarichi dirigenziali presso enti di ricerca o imprese. GIOVANNI BOSCAINO Ammissione Admissions

  • 10. Annali della Facoltà di Economia (15%)

    26-feb-2015 12.43.32

    . Aggregato di Geografia Economica presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche Aziendali e Finanziarie

  • 11. 2012 JME Di Betta Amenta 08997764 (13%)

    24-set-2013 11.54.09

    to track the admissions to the European Cups, but would have meant moving just two clubs. We ran quantile

  • 12. 2012_XIV_rapporto_IEM (10%)

    23-set-2013 16.25.27